Today’s Monday’s Marinate we look at evidence that compels. God’s gavel pounded truth into parchment. Through His Word He presents a clear case. The way prepared in advance to set prisoners free from every stronghold. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but Continue Reading
Chameleon of Colors
During this Wednesday’s What Not let’s look at nature’s chameleon of color. What can we learn from our little lizard friend? Let’s see what he has to teach us as we view his beautiful hues displayed in a kaleidoscope of color. Every good friend deserves a nickname. Since Continue Reading
Fill ‘Er Up
Today’s Monday’s Marinate we explore a bit of nostalgia. Like prehistoric dinosaurs, some things become extinct. A seemingly good idea gets side-lined for something new and improved – even when said improvement isn’t readily evident. Some readers might not know what I’m Continue Reading
When We Don’t See
During this Wednesday’s What Not we investigate the consequences of our spiritual blindness. What happens when we don’t see? What happens when we don’t want to see? What happens when we are so wrapped up in our own little world that we are oblivious to others? Recently, I Continue Reading