It’s been awhile since I wrote anything for "Friday's Finding Your Funny". Sometimes good things come in little packages: like Girl Scout cookies, chocolates, and today’s Finding Your Funny. I have a thought for you to ponder. Because there are a lot of funny Continue Reading
Chosen To Be Blameless
Today’s Wednesday’s What-Not we forge ahead in our exploration of the fourth definition of NEW. New Definition #4: fresh or unused * On Monday we looked at the importance of a sabbatical, a time set aside to recharge emotionally and spiritually. God’s best for us includes Continue Reading
Called To Refreshment
Marketers understand the importance of new. How many commercials tout, “new and improved”? Product positioning promises what was once good evolved into even better. Consumers don’t want to miss the opportunity to experience— to taste and see—product performance enhanced beyond Continue Reading
How to Move Toward Promotion
Last week we looked at our little engine that could, N-E-W. We talked about the importance of taking God to the place where healing happens. God alone touches tender places in our soul with surgical precision. We are in His compassionate, capable hands. The LORD is good to Continue Reading