This Wednesday’s What-Not we investigate the key to contentment. Contentment is not as elusive and complex to attain as we sometimes make it seem. A simple concept crossed my mind while out for a run on a cold Chicago winter day. People have been known to ask me, “How can Continue Reading
In His Ultimate Authority He Understands
During the Christmas season, I couldn’t write about Herod’s attempt to eradicate Christ as an infant. While I know the ending to the story is good, somehow I couldn’t delve into an attempted murder plot at the same time that I decorated the tree, sang Christmas carols, and Continue Reading
The First Christmas
Giving gifts as a child brought me joy. I took special care to select the perfect present. I hoped my family would treasure the trinkets, because of the love I poured into the purchase and presentation. As a little girl, I anticipated the day I could give away the Continue Reading
In Favor of a Glorious Destiny
Over the last several Monday’s Marinate’s, we explored the lives of Beauty and Splendor. These two Hebrew midwives exhibited great courage. Had the midwives Shiphrah (Beauty) and Puah (Splendor) succumb to fear, Pharaoh’s edict to kill all Hebrew boys during childbirth would Continue Reading