Remember, "Friday's Finding Your Funny" is dedicated to good, clean fun! Know someone whom you would like to nominate? Submit the nomination in the "Contact Me" section of my blog including a link to the material. I’m pretty sure my husband thinks I’m mean. He’ll give me a Continue Reading
New To You – Food Edition
Today’s Wednesday’s What Not is about trying new things. As we embark on our edible exploration, we don’t know how we’ll fare. Sometimes, new things work out amazingly well. Other times, whaah, whaaah, whaah, not so much. I challenge you to consider the exploration Continue Reading
Enthralled to Worship
Psalm 45:11 The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord. Last Monday’s Marinate we explored what it means to be enthralled by our King. This week we look at what our response to God should be as a result of His enchantment with us. Clearly, we are Continue Reading
Misadventures of Stewart – Dog Days of Summer, Part 2
Remember, "Friday's Finding Your Funny" is dedicated to good, clean fun! Know someone whom you would like to nominate? Submit the nomination in the "Contact Me" section of my blog including a link to the material. Today, we are featuring Stewart Little Stella as our guest Continue Reading