I rarely do this, but I felt led to republish this post from September of 2013. I trust someone needs this encouragement today. In a previous post, we looked at Psalm 31:19 and explored God’s Goodness Stored Up For Us. Today we will examine several verses in Psalm 31 that Continue Reading
What if God is Bigger than the Box We Put Him In?
This is a bit unorthodox, but I’m going to ask you not to read this post before you have read the previously published piece (if you have not already done so). Click here to read “What Dream is God Brewing in you?” Answer the questions at the end, write down your responses. Wait Continue Reading
What Dream is God Brewing in You?
Some ideas need to steep. Like tea floating in steaming hot water waiting for the perfect flavor to brew, we need to steep with our dreams. Time often the tool God uses to bring them to the fullness of their potential. Time spent brewing our dreams with Him. Because as much as Continue Reading
What does redemption look like?
If you have ever doubted God’s goodness, I pray you continue reading. Life gets hard. Things happen to us. We do things we shouldn't. We experience bumps along the way meant to throw us off track, because the enemy doesn’t want us to fulfill our purpose. But God. He does. God Continue Reading